
Sunday, May 2, 2010

MilSpouse Blog Hop!

 Since I'm an Army wife, I love to read other militaryrulesmylife blogs.  That's how I stumbled upon Riding the Roller Coaster and this fun way to meet other lucky girls like me!

So, I'm Alexis. Wife of this handsome guy, Bobby. Mommy of the most adorable boy, Jack.

Here are some interesting things about me...

We live in a tourist town and try to take advantage of that a lot, who knows where we will be next?!?!

Bobby and I were married three weeks exactly before he deployed.  Bobby honeymooned in Iraq, without me.

I am an RVT (registered vet tech), although my days are spent changing diapers instead of IVs.

Crafting has become my new passion.  I bought a cricut, which has almost bumped Bobby down the "I♥u" list to #3. Jack will always be #1.

Jack was born in a tub.  I had an amazing water-birth, with no drugs, and I cannot wait to do it again. Later.

I want to become a runner.  I will do the Disney Princess Half Marathon next March!

We try to be a green family.  We recycle (there is no curbside recycling in our town...), cloth diaper, and eat organic.  I always am open for ways to be more green.

We love to eat out.  This has become slightly harder to do since Jack came along.

A grocery store will bring us back north.  We ♥ Wegmans.

I can't wait to meet new bloggy friends!


Mrs. Wookie

You had me at waterbirth! And recycling! I'm from Oregon, where we loooove our recycling. :D

Glad to bloghop my way to you! Can't wait to read more!

Nice to meet you!


Ah! People think I'm making it up when I say I want water-births (when the time comes, of course)! Thank you! hehe

Goodnight moon

Hello hello lovely!!!!! I found you from the milspouse hippity hop. I'm also your newest follower.

One question...what princess will you be running the marathon as?

My blog is called, Goodnight moon! See ya there!

Momma on the Run

It's so nice to find another Crossfitter! I quit when I found out I was pregnant...I miss it so much! My husband also promised me next year we'll go to Disney for my birthday and the Princess Half Marathon - I'm totally wearing a tutu:-) Looking forward to getting know you better!

Mrs. Mootz

Hi! Thank you for stopping by my blog and for following me!

I've always been interested in learning more about water births. Does that have to happen at home or do hospitals allow you to do it there?


Hey girlie! Just found you via the bloghop! We'll be heading down to Georgia (benning, though!) sometime later this year for MCCC. I'm a runner and just completed my first half marathon in March! It is such a fantastic achievement and I'll cheer you on from afar with your training!

Roller Coaster

Thanks for linking up on the blop hop! I hope you're meeting some of the great mil spouses out there. I'm a runner myself. Good luck with your training! It's so nice to meet you, and I look forward to reading more about you!

Wife on the Roller Coaster

Mrs. Gambizzle

Hi! Just came from the blog hop! Cute blog! Come visit me @

Dave and Ashley

Found you via the bloghop! I <3 Wegman's too! I am from Rochester, NY (where it was founded)! I tell my husband all the time how much I miss it and when we get back to NY, we are going to visit it like it's a tourist spot! haha. I look forward to reading more!

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